
1.general physics  1.1 length and time  -i-Physical Quantity Physical Quantities A physical quantity is a property of an object that can be measured with a measuring instrument. A physical quantity is usually expressed as “a magnitude ( numerical value)  and a  physical unit or more ” Example :- Normal body temperature of a healthy human being is  37  0 C -ii-Length Measuring Length. Length is “the distance between two points in a space”. According to SI units, the length quantity is expressed in meter. There are several kinds of measuring devices used to measure quantity of length, among others, are as follows. Tools used… a-   Measuring tape. b-   Ruler c-   Vernier callipers. d-    Micrometer Measurement of length Length is measured accurately through many methods. Here are some: Method Notes Ruler Used to make simple measurements accurate to  0.1 cm  (1 mm) Vernier caliper Used to make simple measurements accurate to


Energy transfer 


Energy formDescription
Kinetic energyThe energy in a moving object is defined as that object’s kinetic energy.
Gravitational potential energyThe energy of an object, raised up against the force of gravity is that object’s Gravitational potential energy.
Chemical energyThe energy stored in chemical substances and which can be released in a chemical reaction is defined as chemical energy.
Electrical energyThe energy transferred by an electric current is called as electrical energy.
Nuclear energyThe energy stored in the nucleus of an atom is defined as nuclear energy.
Strain energyThe energy produced in an object when it is stretched or compressed is called as strain energy.
Internal energyThe energy of an object; the total kinetic and potential energies of its particles is defined as internal energy.
Thermal (heat) energyThe energy being transferred from a hotter place to a cooler place, as a result of the temperature difference between them is called as thermal (heat) energy.
Light energyThe energy emitted in the form of visible radiation is defined as light energy
Sound energyThe energy being transferred in the form of sound waves is called as sound energy.

Energy stores, energy transfers
Energy can either be stored in an object, or it can be transferred from one object to another.
Energy storesEnergy transfers
Kinetic energySound energy
Gravitational potential energyThermal (heat) energy
Chemical energyElectrical energy
Nuclear energyLight energy
Strain energy
Internal energy

Energy conversions

When energy changes from one form to another, we can say that it is converted or transformed.
Let us look at an example at a simple energy transformation:
A car accelerating up a hill:
The car is accelerating, so we can say that its kinetic energy is increasing. It is also moving up a hill, so its gravitational potential energy is increasing as well. It produces a lot of sound and heat as it moves.
Hence, to sum it up, here the energy conversion taking place:
Chemical energy -> kinetic energy + gravitational potential energy + thermal energy + sound energy

Principle of conversion of energy

In any energy conversion, the total amount of energy before and after the conversion is constant.
This tells us something important about energy:
Energy can never be created or destroyed; the total and final amount of energy remains constant.


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